Austria, Germany 2016 – Director: Lena Weiss – Original language: Portuguese – Subtitles: German – Length: 15 min.

  • Tue, 5/10/16
    HFF - Kino 1
    German subtitles

The world hangs on a wire. People need electricity - even in the favelas of Rio das Pedras in Brazil. So when the energy companies refuse to supply the slum, the inhabitants don't hesitate in helping themselves. This film looks at the situation on the ground and celebrates improvisation.

Writer: Lena Weiss. Camera: Carolina Steinbrecher. Sound: Lena Weiss. Editing: Christin Gottscheber. Production: Filmakademie Wien. Producer: Lena Weiss. International Sales: Filmakademie Wien Distribution: Filmakademie Wien

Student Award 2016
  • Tue, 5/10/16
    HFF - Kino 1
    German subtitles