Germany 2015 – Director: Sophie Linnenbaum, Sophia Bösch – Original language: German – Subtitles: English – Length: 4 min.

  • Fri, 5/13/16
    HFF - Audimax
    German original version
  • Sat, 5/14/16
    City 2

Do you know them too? The casual right-wingers, who, over coffee and cake, like to begin their sentences with, “ I don’t have anything against them, but…” MEINUNGSAUSTAUSCH tracks prejudices and how they are spread, broken down and ultimately maintained ad absurdum.

German title: Meinungsaustausch. Camera: Janine Pätzold. Sound: Lorenz Fischer. Editing: Andrea Herda-Muñoz. Production: Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf. Producer: Sophie Linnenbaum, Sophia Bösch. International Sales: Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf Distribution: Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf

Student Award 2016
  • Fri, 5/13/16
    HFF - Audimax
    German original version
  • Sat, 5/14/16
    City 2