Italy 2015 – Director: Cecilia Bozza Wolf Michela Tomasi – Original language: Italian – Subtitles: English – Length: 30 min.

  • Sun, 5/8/16
    HFF - Kino 2
    English subtitles

We are all our fathers’ children. But what about when your father still performs on stage as the frontman of a heavy metal band? This depiction of a father-son relationship is loud but has surprisingly quiet interludes.

Writer: Cecilia Bozza Wolf, Michela Tomasi. Camera: Alessandro D'Emilia, Alexander Fontana. Sound: Michela Tomasi. Editing: Pierpaolo Filomeno. Music: Skanners. Production: ZeLIG School for documentary, television and new media. Producer: Heidi Gronauer, Lorenzo Paccagnella. International Sales: ZeLIG School for documentary, television and new media. Distribution: ZeLIG School for documentary, television and new media

Student Award 2016
  • Sun, 5/8/16
    HFF - Kino 2
    English subtitles