Austria, Germany 2013 – Director: Marko Doringer – Original language: English, German – Subtitles: English, German – Length: 93 min.

  • Fr., 10.05.13
    ARRI Kino
    German and English with german subtitles
  • Sa., 11.05.13
    City 3
    German and english with german subtitles
  • Mi., 15.05.13
    City 3

“A permanent commitment is a twisted idea for me.” Marko is 35-years-old and moving into an apartment in Berlin with his girlfriend, Marlene. But he has so many doubts: serious commitment? housework? becoming a father? In order to find answers to these personal questions he follows three friendly couples over two years and gets an insight into their lifestyles. Klaus and Silke live in Dubai and have an unfulfilled desire to have children. Nikola und Thomas are in a homosexual relationship in Belgrade. Jenny and Hannes are newly in love but their relationship is a long-distance one.
Doringer’s film is a continuation from "Mein halbes Leben". With humour and quick-wittedness the director uncovers the fears, doubts and hopes involved in being in a fulfilled partnership these days. A touchingly ironic voyage of self-discovery. Maren Willkomm

English/Original Title: Globally Yours. Writer: Marko Doringer. Camera: Marko Doringer, Marcus Winterbauer. Sound: Johannes Schmelzer-Ziringer, Nils Kichhoff. Editing: Marko Doringer, Bettina Blickwede. Music: Les Hommes Sauvages. Production: Filmfabrik. Producer: Marko Doringer. Distribution: polyfilm/ Hans König

DOK.deutsch Wettbewerb 2013
  • Fr., 10.05.13
    ARRI Kino
    German and English with german subtitles
  • Sa., 11.05.13
    City 3
    German and english with german subtitles
  • Mi., 15.05.13
    City 3