Germany, United States 1980 – Director: Wim Wenders – Original language: English – Subtitles: German – Length: 90 min.

  • Mi., 09.05.12
    English original with German subtitles

After his first flush of success in Europe, Wim Wenders received an offer of a directing job in USA at the end of the 70s from Francis Ford Coppola. There the German auteur filmmaker found himself to be grist to the mill of Hollywood big business. But Wenders had a true friend who he visited several times in New York during breaks in the filming. The legendary film director, Nicolas Ray (REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE), and the young German director were more than just two like-minded filmmakers. Their close, unspoken bond was more like a father-son relationship. Ray is seriously ill and his death is just a matter of time. Wim Wenders’ film is a touching homage to a friend and mentor, a magnificent balancing act between fiction and documentary and an intelligent reflection on life and the essence of filmmaking. Daniel Sponsel

Camera: Edward Lachman, Martin Schäfer mit Mitch Dubin und Timathy Ray. Sound: Martin Müller, Marytf Kavaliauskas. Editing: Peter Przygodda mit Barbara von Weitershausen. Music: Ronee Blakley. Production: Road Movies Filmproduktion/Berlin. Producer: Wim Wenders, Chris Sievernich. Distribution: Neue Visionen Filmverleih GmbH.

Retrospective Africa 2012
  • Mi., 09.05.12
    English original with German subtitles