Switzerland 2011 – Director: Christine Repond – Original language: Swiss German – Subtitles: German – Length: 85 min.

  • So., 06.05.12
    Atelier 1
    Swish German original with German subtitles

"Do you have any ambitions or any idea how you would like to live your life?" 15-year-old Sascha is trying to figure this out for himself. But perspectives are limited in rural Emmental. The everyday life of the village youth consists of riding mopeds, smoking weed, hanging around and playing computer games. Frustration and bitterness lead Sascha and his friends to violence. In the nearby wood they find a hut where a group of skinheads is having a party. This encounter will change everything.
Christine Repond takes a documentary approach and puts amateur actors in the frame for her oppressively detailed debut film. SILBERWALD’s autonomous camerawork and an observational aesthetic in a wintery setting, achieve an astonishing authenticity – a new way of documenting improvisation. Maren Bornemann

English/Original Title: Silver Forest. Writer: Christine Repond. Camera: Michael Leuthner. Sound: Ingrid Stäedeli. Editing: Ulrike Tortora. Production: Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion. Producer: Karin Koch. Co-Producers: Allary Film, Mathias Allary.

DOK.fiction (2012) 2012
  • So., 06.05.12
    Atelier 1
    Swish German original with German subtitles