Germany 2014 – Director: André Siegers – Original language: English, German – Subtitles: English – Length: 85 min.

  • Mi., 13.05.15
    HFF - Kino 1
    English subtitles

From time to time he was accompanied by his wife, Betty, who he discovered and then lost. Here as well the camera is always running: Alfred discussing with Betty, at her bedside, during the election campaign. Alfred in the desert. Alfred making a telephone call. Alfred is funny, self-deprecating and also a little bit tragic. There should be a total of 400 self-filmed video cassettes. An attempt to reassure himself? Narcissism? Loneliness? Delusion? A journal? In 2009 he was lost in the ice. Really?

Writer: André Siegers. Camera: Alfred Diebold, Tanja Häring, Nadja Kurtz. Sound: David Siegers, André Siegers. Editing: David Siegers, Ute Adamczewski, Alexandra Menning. Music: Dario Albiez. Production: Filmtank GmbH in Kooperation mit der HFBK Hamburg. Producer: Thomas Tielsch.

Student Award 2015
  • Mi., 13.05.15
    HFF - Kino 1
    English subtitles