Sierra Leone, United States 2018 – Director: Arthur Pratt, Banker White, Anna Fitch, Lansana Mansaray – Original language: English, Pidgin English – Subtitles: English – Length: 82 min.

  • Do., 09.05.19
    City 3
    Original with English subtitles
  • Sa., 11.05.19
    HFF - Kino 2
    Original with English subtitles
  • Fr., 17.05.19
    HFF - Kino 2
    Original with English subtitles

In 2014 the World Health Organisation declared the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa a “global crisis.” International solutions were needed. But how did those affected on the ground react? A film about courage and solidarity at the epicentre of the catastrophe in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

We present the German premiere of the film at DOK.fest München 2019.

Camera: Lansana Mansaray, MJ Sessy Kamara. Editing: Don Bernier, Banker White. Music: Tyler Strickland. Production: WeOwnTV. Producer: Anna Fitch, Banker White, Arthur Pratt, Lansana Mansaray u.a.. International Sales: First Hand Films

DOK.horizonte Competition – Cinema of Urgency 2019
  • Do., 09.05.19
    City 3
    Original with English subtitles
  • Sa., 11.05.19
    HFF - Kino 2
    Original with English subtitles
  • Fr., 17.05.19
    HFF - Kino 2
    Original with English subtitles