United States 2006 – Director: Philippe Diaz – Original language: Various – Subtitles: English – Length: 87 min.

  • Thu, 5/10/07
    Carl-Amery-Saal, Gasteig
    Various languages with English subtitles

The Empire in Africa shows Sierra Leone's civil war in a radically different light to most other representations. Most lay the blame for the bloodshed with the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), but director Diaz defends the rebels who he believes started the civil war for one reason: "to reclaim the richness of the country from foreign corporations in order to end the exploitation of its people." The response of the international community was, he claims, rigged elections, embargoes and manipulation of the international media, creating one of the worst humanitarian disasters of the last century.  This documentary does not ignore the RUF's involvement in atrocities, but a lot of the brutality shown is perpetrated by UN peacekeepers.

Interviewing businessmen, soldiers, politicians and government officials, as well as the now-infamous amputees, this film gives us amazing insight into this troubled country. Far from being at peace, post-war Sierra Leone is ranked as one of the poorest countries in the world, which is its real tragedy.

Awards: Grand Jury Prize, Best Documentary, Slamdance Film Festival; Grand Prize, African Film Festival, Montreal; Most Powerful Film, One World Film Festival, Prag; Best Documentary, Hollywood Film Festival, Los Angeles

Camera: Henri Rossier, Philippe Diaz. Sound: Pavol Zatko. Editing: Philippe Diaz. Music: Abdul Kamara. Production: Sceneries Europe Production. Producer: Philippe Diaz. Co-Producers: Philippe Peccatier-ACF Action Against Hunger Cinema Libre Studio. International Sales: Cinema Libre Studio.

International Program (2002-2009) 2007
  • Thu, 5/10/07
    Carl-Amery-Saal, Gasteig
    Various languages with English subtitles