FRA 2010 – Director: Joshua Athesh Litle – Original language: English, French, German – Length: 82 min.

  • Do., 05.05.11
    City 3
    French, English and German original with English subtitles
  • So., 08.05.11
    ARRI Kino
    French, English and German original with English subtitles
  • Mi., 11.05.11
    Atelier 1

Hip hop goes global! New York, France, Germany, Israel, Palestine, Senegal… From the corners of the globe we meet the veterans, stars and up-and-coming artists of today’s international protest music. They rap, rhyme, dance and put across their own personal points of view. The film gives an insight into this rebellious and controversial form of expression and updates complex political and social ideas. The usual stereotypes of the genre are blown apart. The film shows hip hop not as a commercial product but as a bridge between different cultures. Its blend of cool images, invigorating music and dynamic dance is a powerful combination._A hip hop road movie with a filmic message and a musical statement.

Writer: Joshua Atesh Litle. Camera: Joshua Atesh Litle. Sound: Denis Lefdup. Editing: Gloria Bremer, Jerome Lefdup, Martha Skolnik. Music: Wendell Hanes. Production: Les Films d'Ici. Producer: Serge Lalou. Co-Producers: co-production: Smithsonian Networks, Arte France, Link TV, Furious Media LLC, Les Films D'ici. International Sales: Doc & Film International.

DOK.panorama 2011
  • Do., 05.05.11
    City 3
    French, English and German original with English subtitles
  • So., 08.05.11
    ARRI Kino
    French, English and German original with English subtitles
  • Mi., 11.05.11
    Atelier 1