Austria, United States 2016 – Director: Johannes Grenzfurthner – Original language: English – Length: 120 min.

  • Fr., 13.05.16
    Rio 1
    English original version, Q&A with P.Gruban, J.Grenzfurthner, T.Kaestle
  • So., 15.05.16
    HFF - Kino 1
    English original version, Q&A with J. Grenzfurthner

A road movie about nerds and cyberpunk. Self-confessed nerd, Johannes Grenzfurthner, travels across USA to visit nerdy people in nerdy places and to discuss the past, present and future of nerd culture with his fellow nerds.

Writer: Johannes Grenzfurthner. Camera: Eddie Codel. Sound: Daniel Hasibar, Christian Staudacher. Editing: Johannes Grenzfurthner. Music: Daniel Hasibar, Christian Staudacher. Production: monochrom. Producer: Johannes Grenzfurthner.

DOK.panorama 2016
  • Fr., 13.05.16
    Rio 1
    English original version, Q&A with P.Gruban, J.Grenzfurthner, T.Kaestle
  • So., 15.05.16
    HFF - Kino 1
    English original version, Q&A with J. Grenzfurthner