DE 2011 – Director: Volker Sattel – Original language: German – Subtitles: English – Length: 98 min.

  • Mi., 04.05.11
    City 1
    German original with English subtitles
  • Sa., 07.05.11
    Atelier 1
    German original with English subtitles

The concept of a ‘peaceful’ use of nuclear energy is based on the utopian vision of a technology designed for eternity. Today it is all about the management of an unimaginable risk._Frame by frame, UNTER KONTROLLE gauges the scope and the essence of a technology that does not allow for mistakes. The safety apparatus that surrounds the inconspicuous fission process at the reactor’s core is faithfully entrusted to human beings. The realisation is simple: the more nuclear power stations there are and the longer they run, the closer we are to the day when the next catastrophe will happen. With nuclear power, humanity has the potential to create its very own man-made apocalypse.

English/Original Title: Under Control. Writer: Volker Sattel, Stefan Stefanescu. Camera: Volker Sattel. Sound: Nikolaus Woernle, Filipp Froberg. Editing: Stefan Krumbiegel, Volker Sattel. Production: credo:film GmbH. Producer: Susann Schimk, Jörg Trentmann.

DOK.deutsch Wettbewerb 2011
  • Mi., 04.05.11
    City 1
    German original with English subtitles
  • Sa., 07.05.11
    Atelier 1
    German original with English subtitles