Deutschland / Österreich 2007 – Director: Gerburg Rosa Schwägerl und Erwin Rehling – Original language: German – Length: 53 min.

  • Fri, 5/4/07
    Carl-Amery-Saal, Gasteig
    German version

On the Czech border with Austria lies Bitov Castle. At the age of 8 Elsa Fischer moved into the castle where her father had been appointed caretaker and found herself spending her youth in the extraordinary location of Bitov. Elsa has many memories of this time, a time very different from today.

Baron Haas, the popular owner of the castle, had bought his noble title for 80,000 Florins from the Austrian Kaiser. Elsa remembers his dogs, cats, lions and birds and his love of pretty girls. After the Second World War, when Russian partisans demanded that he leaves his castle within a week, the Baron took his own life. Elsa Fischer along with many other Germans was subsequently expelled from Czechoslovakia. 

Elsa is now 94 years old but her memories have remained in Bitov. With a whimsical smile on her face she unearths lost histories. This is a film about the good old days.

Writer: Gerburg Rosa Schwägerl und Erwin Rehling. Camera: Michael Oberhofer. Sound: Hermann Amon. Editing: Hermann Amon. Music: Michaela Dietl, Fritz Moßhammer, Erwin Rehling, Blaskapelle Novy Bitov, Äolsharfen auf Schloss Bitov. Production: Gerburg Rosa Schwägerl. Producer: Gerburg Rosa Schwägerl.

New Films from Bavaria (2002-2007) 2007
  • Fri, 5/4/07
    Carl-Amery-Saal, Gasteig
    German version