China, Germany 2017 – Director: Tian Dong – Original language: Chinese – Subtitles: English, German – Length: 92 min.

  • Thu, 1/16/25
    Einstein 28
    Free admission

Kung Fu Football – the “Chinese dream.” In a Deng Feng Shaolin boarding school some of the 10,000 pupils learn to play football alongside the traditional martial arts – to complete exhaustion. China’s next generation captured in insightful sequences.

English/Original Title: IRONHEAD. Writer: Tian Dong. Camera: Christian Mario Löhr. Sound: Echo Ho. Editing: Tian Dong. Production: Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln. Producer: Tian Dong. Co-Producers: Ute Dilger.

Student Award 2018
  • Thu, 1/16/25
    Einstein 28
    Free admission