Germany, South Africa 2022 – Director: Julia Jaki – Original language: Afrikaans, English – Subtitles: English – Length: 77 min.

  • Fr., 05.05.23
    HFF - Kino 1
    Original with English subtitles (Q&A with director J. Jaki and producer Schewe)
  • So., 07.05.23
    Rio 2
    Original w/ English subtitles (Q&A w/ director J. Jaki & producer F. Schewe)
  • Di., 09.05.23
    Neues Maxim
    Original with English subtitles
  • Do., 11.05.23
    Neues Rottmann
    Original with English subtitles

Fortunately, in Bredasdorp, South Africa there is a safe house for women. It is protected by barbed wire, dogs and security. No men are allowed to enter and there is no place for violence here. The women, most of whom have suffered multiple traumas, find a safe oasis with community worker Lana and her team. We follow Lana’s work, in which courage and despair go hand in hand, over several years. Dayela Valenzuela


Julia Jaki
The German director has been living in Cape Town, South Africa, since 2012. There she produces TV reports and documentaries for channels such as, ZDF or N24. DORPIE is her first independent documentary.


This film deals with sexualised violence.

Nominated for the DOK.horizonte Competition – Cinema of Urgency

The films in this series tell stories from countries in transition. They are supported by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL with funds from the BMZ and are nominated for the VIKTOR DOK.horizonte Competition, endowed with 5,000 euros. The award donor is the Petra-Kelly-Stiftung.


Writer: Julia Jaki. Camera: Eaton de Jongh. Sound: Eaton de Jongh (Location Sound) | Sound & Motion Studios (Sound Design) | Jade Hill (Mischung). Editing: Khalid Shamis. Music: Gary Thomas. Production: Film Five GmbH. Producer: Florian Schewe. Co-Producers: Julia Jaki | Co-producer: Antoinette Engel.

DOK.horizonte Competition – Cinema of Urgency 2023
  • Fr., 05.05.23
    HFF - Kino 1
    Original with English subtitles (Q&A with director J. Jaki and producer Schewe)
  • So., 07.05.23
    Rio 2
    Original w/ English subtitles (Q&A w/ director J. Jaki & producer F. Schewe)
  • Di., 09.05.23
    Neues Maxim
    Original with English subtitles
  • Do., 11.05.23
    Neues Rottmann
    Original with English subtitles