Germany 2012 – Director: Knut Karger – Original language: Danish, English, German – Subtitles: German – Length: 80 min.

  • Fri, 5/4/12
    ARRI Kino
    English/German/Danish version with German subtitles
  • Mon, 5/7/12
    Rio 2
    English/German/Danish original with German subtitles
  • Tue, 5/8/12
    Katholische Akademie
    English/German/Danish original with German subtitles

In Kurtland we are nowhere near where we wanted to be – having reached the 2º target. Kurtland is what Knut Karger calls Germany and its neighbouring western countries. And the 2º target is the limit to global warming we must stick within in order to save our planet from the worst. The film focuses on individual places that are each affected differently by the influence of climate change: Greenland, Namibia and Germany. It deals with the melting of the ice caps, renewable energy, water shortages and coal mining.
The director goes into great detail with his interviewees, and at the same time treats them gently. This is a story of human actions, which proves that only a life with nature, and not against it, will secure our future. Maren Bornemann

Writer: Knut Karger. Camera: Tobias Tempel. Sound: Kilian Blees. Editing: Eva Hartmann. Production: lüthje schneider hörl FILM. Producer: Florian Schneider, Andreas Hörl, Maren Lüthje. Co-Producers: BR.

DOK.deutsch Wettbewerb 2012
  • Fri, 5/4/12
    ARRI Kino
    English/German/Danish version with German subtitles
  • Mon, 5/7/12
    Rio 2
    English/German/Danish original with German subtitles
  • Tue, 5/8/12
    Katholische Akademie
    English/German/Danish original with German subtitles