All inclusive Award: the nominees
Seven films on the shortlist for the first award for inclusive documentary film productions
The nominees for the first ever all inclusive Award for inclusive documentary film productions have been announced! The award, endowed with 5,000 euros and donated by the Werksviertel-Mitte Stiftung, honours productions by filmmakers with disabilities and inclusive film teams.
The award ceremony will take place during DOK.fest Munich 2025
Germany, Austria 2024, Daniela Schmidt-Langels, Sibylle Dahrendorf, 92 min.
Production: Gregor Streiber (Inselfilm), Johannes Rosenberger (Navigator Film)
Like thousands of people, director Sibylle Dahrendorf also suffers from CFS/ME. The film explores the question of why this neurological disease has been so little researched in medical history and why so little attention is paid to the treatment of those affected.
Germany, Austria 2025, Klaus Fried, 98 min.
Production: Gunter Hanfgarn (Hanfgarn & Ufer), Ralph Wieser (Mischief Films)
An essayistic search for traces of the poet and essayist Erich Fried: director Klaus Fried – son from his third marriage – seeks out family members and friends in order to get closer to his father in a way he was unable to do during his lifetime.
USA 2025, Reid Davenport, 98 min.
Production: Colleen Cassingham (Multitude Films)
In 1983, Elizabeth Bouvia applied for her ‘right to die’, sparking a debate about autonomy, dignity and the value of life for disabled people. The case has lost none of its relevance.
USA 2024, Bing Wang, 87 min.
Production: Deltbert Whetter (Exodus Film Group)
Contrary to all preconceptions, gay and deaf couple Alan and Brian decide to adopt children. The film accompanies the two fathers in their loving yet challenging upbringing of the hearing twins.
USA 2024, Ted Passon, Patrice Jetter, Kyla Harris, 102 min.
Production: Ted Passon (All Ages Productions)
Patrice and Gary want to get married and live together. But for them, as people with disability, this would mean that their state support would be cancelled. They find support in their community and loyal friends.
Great Britain 2024, Sam Chown Ahern, Georgia Bradburn, Benjamin Brown, Robin Elliott-Knowles, Lucy W (the neurodiverse collective), Steven Eastwood, 67 min.
Production: Chloe White (Whalebone Films)
The hybrid film takes us into the everyday lives and imagination of the neurodiverse protagonists and directors in their quest for a world free from social norms.
Brazil 2024, Jonatas Rubert, Tiago Rubert, 90 min.
Production: Natasha Ferla, Daniel Gonçalves (Alata Filmes)
Taking turns to film each other, brothers Tiago and Jonatas reflect on family, friendship and Down's syndrome and why one of them has never changed a light bulb.